HTML Special Characters

It has been years since I first created this webpage, and now, and Wikipedia's List of Unicode characters are generally better than this page.
So this page is now mostly for my own use.

My main categories:
Other languages (see them in the webpages below):

The following listed pages contain all the Special Characters in order.  They are showed in three different fonts: Times New Roman, Arial, Courier New, and Comic Sans MS.
Warning: these files are large, about 651 KB each.

Format of display on this webpage
(1)   (2) &ge (3) &#8805 (4) {greater-than or equal to}
  1. Actual character larger, 150%
  2. Alpha HTML character code
  3. Number HTML character code
  4. Description in {curly brackets}
   2 & 4 may be missing, but 1 & 3 will always be there.
To use the character codes in HTML, remember to put the ampersand (&), before, and the semicolon (;), after.
Only the numbered codes require a number sign (#), before the code number.
Hexadecimal codes require the ampersand (&), number sign (#), and the lower case "x", in front.
Some of the code numbers can be used in regular use while typing.
Hold down the "Alt" key while you type the four digit code number.
If the code number is not four digits long, then add preceeding zeros to make the number four digits long.
For example: to get the Euro symbol in HTML, you use € but while typing, you type Alt+0128.

 Regular Characters that are special in HTML 
"  &quot; &#34; {quotation mark} &  &amp; &#38; {ampersand} <  &lt; &#60; {less than} >  &gt; &#62; {greater than}  &nbsp; &#160; {Non-breaking space}

Special Punctuation
  &lsquo; &#145; &#8216; {left single quote}   &rsquo; &#146; &#8217; {right single quote}
  &ldquo; &#147; &#8220; {left double quote}   &rdquo; &#148; &#8221; {right double quote}
  &#8219; {single backwards right quote}   &bdquo; &#132; &#8222; {double comma}   &hellip; &#133; &#8230; {ellipsis}
  &#8252; {double exclamation mark} ¡  &iexcl; &#161; {upside-down exclamation mark} ¿  &iquest; &#191; {upside-down question mark}
  &#8253; {interrobang}

Outline or Proofreading
§  &sect; &#167; {section}   &para; &#182; {paragraph}   &dagger; &#134; &#8224; {dagger}   &Dagger; &#135; &#8225; {double dagger}

Legal Marks
  &trade; &#153; &#8482; {trademark} ©  &copy; &#169; {copyright} ®  &reg; &#174; {registered}

Currency Symbols
See the Wikipedia article for many more.
¤  &curren; &#164; {currency} ¢  &cent; &#162; {cent}   &euro; &#128; &#8364; {euro} £  &pound; &#163; {English pound}
  &#8356; ¥  &yen; &#165; {Japanese yen}   &#8359;{Spanish peseta}

  &permil; &#137; &#8240; {per mille} ¬  &not; &#172; {not}   &#8976; °  &deg; &#176; {degree}
¹  &sup1; &#185; {exponent/superscript one} ²  &sup2; &#178; {exponent/superscript two} ³  &sup3; &#179; {exponent/superscript three}   &#8319; {exponent/superscript n}
º  &ordm; &#186; {exponent/superscript zero (or male ordinal)} ª  &ordf; &#170; {exponent/superscript a (or female ordinal)}   &#8735; ¯  &macr; &#175; {macron}
×  &times; &#215; {multiply} ÷  &divide; &#247; {divide}   &prime; &#8242; {prime}   &Prime; &#8243; {double prime}
  &frasl; &#8260; &#8725; {fraction slash}   &part; &#8706; {partial differential}   &prod; &#8710; {n-ary product}   &sum; &#8721; {n-ary summation}
  &#8494; {Euler's number or Napier's constant}   &#8486; {ohm or Omega constant}   &#8710; {change} µ  &micro; &#181; {micro (one millionth)}
  &minus; &#8722; {minus}   &#8729; {dot product}   &radic; &#8730; {square root}   &infin; &#8734; {infinity}
  &cap; &#8745; {intersection}   &int; &#8747; {integral}   &#8992; {integral: upper half}   &#8993; {integral: lower half}
  &#8773; {approximately equal to}   &asymp; &#8776; {almost equal to}   &ne; &#8800; {not equal to}   &equiv; &#8801; {equivalent}
  &le; &#8804; {less-than or equal to}   &ge; &#8805; {greater-than or equal to} ±  &plusmn; &#177; {plus or minus}

¼  &frac14; &#188; {one-quarter} ½  &frac12; &#189; {one-half} ¾  &frac34; &#190; {three-quarters}
  &#8531; {one-third}   &#8532; {two-thirds}
  &#8533; {one-fifth}   &#8534; {two-fifths}   &#8535; {three-fifths}   &#8536; {four-fifths}
  &#8537; {one-sixth}   &#8538; {five-sixths}
  &#8539; {one-eighth}   &#8540; {three-eighths}   &#8541; {five-eighths}   &#8542; {seven-eighths}
  &#8528; {one-seventh}   &#8529; {one-ninth}   &#8530; {one-tenth}

Lines & Spaces
  &zwnj; &#8204; {zero width non-joiner}   &zwj; &#8205; {zero width joiner}   &oline; &#8254; {overline}
  &#8209; {small dash}   &ndash; &#150; &#8211; {en dash}   &mdash; &#151; &#8212; {em dash}   &#8213; {long dash}   &#8215; {short double underline}
  &#9644;   &#9472;   &#9474;   &#9552;   &#9553;
  &#9484;   &#9488;   &#9492;   &#9496;
  &#9556;   &#9559;   &#9562;   &#9565;
  &#9500;   &#9508;   &#9516;   &#9524;   &#9532;
  &#9554;   &#9557;   &#9560;   &#9563;
  &#9555;   &#9558;   &#9561;   &#9564;
  &#9566;   &#9569;   &#9573;   &#9576;
  &#9567;   &#9570;   &#9572;   &#9575;
  &#9568;   &#9571;   &#9574;   &#9577;
  &#9578;   &#9579;   &#9580;

  &larr; &#8592; {left arrow}   &rarr; &#8594; {right arrow}   &uarr; &#8593; {up arrow}   &darr; &#8595; {down arrow}
  &harr; &#8596; {left-right arrow}   &#8597; &#8616; {up-down arrow} Long arrows Unicode Character Table arrows

  &#9758; {White Right Pointing Index} 🞂  &#x1F782; {Black Right-Pointing Isosceles Right Triangle}   &#9658; &#x25BA Black Right-Pointing Pointer   &#x21A0; {Rightwards Two Headed Arrow}
  &#x21C9; {Two Rightwards Arrows}   &#x21F6; {Three Rightwards Arrows}   &#x21D2; {Rightwards Double Arrow}   &#x21DB; {Rightwards Triple Arrow}
  &#x21E8; {Rightwards White Arrow}   &#x21FE; {Rightwards Open-Headed Arrow}   &#11146; &x2B8A; {Rightwards Black Circled White Arrow}
  &#8226; &x2022; {Bullet} 🞄  &#128900; &x1F784; {Black Slightly Small Circle}   &#x25CF; {Black Circle}   &#11044; &x2B24; {Black Large Circle}
  &#9899; &#x26AB; {Medium Black Circle}   &#x25CB; {White Circle} 🞅  &#x1F785; {Medium Bold White Circle}   &#x25EF; {Large Open Circle}
🞇  &#x1F787; {Heavy White Circle} 🞉  &#x1F789; {Extremely Heavy White Circle}   &#x25CD; {Circle with Vertical Fill}   &#x25CC; {Dotted Circle}
  &#x25CE; {Bullseye} 🟠  &#x1F7E0; {Large Orange Circle} 🟡  &#x1F7E1; {Large Yellow Circle} 🟢  &#x1F7E2; {Large Green Circle}
🟣  &#x1F7E3; {Large Purple Circle} 🟤  &#x1F7E4; {Large Brown Circle} 🞖  &#x1F796; {Square Target} 🞓  &#x1F793; {Extremely Heavy White Square}
🟥  &#x1F7E5; {Large Red Square} 🟦  &#x1F7E6; {Large Blue Square} 🟧  &#x1F7E7; {Large Orange Square} 🟨  &#x1F7E8; {Large Yellow Square}
🟩  &#x1F7E9; {Large Green Square} 🟪  &#x1F7EA; {Large Purple Square} 🟫  &#x1F7EB; {Large Brown Square}
  &#9733; {Black Star} 🟊  &#x1F7CA; {Heavy Five Pointed Black Star}   &#x272A; {Circled White Star}   &#x272F; {Pinwheel Star}
  &#x2735; {Eight Pointed Pinwheel Star}   &#x273B; {Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk} 🞹  &#x1F7B9; {Very Heavy Six Spoked Asterisk} 🞿  &#x1F7BF; {Very Heavy Eight Spoked Asterisk}

  &#9600; {solid half-box top}   &#9604; {solid half-box bottom}   &#9612; {solid half-box left}   &#9616; {solid half-box right}
  &#9617; {dither light}   &#9618; {dither medium}   &#9619; {dither heavy}   &#9608; {full box}
  &#9632; {solid medium square}   &#9633; {hollow medium square}   &#9642; {solid small square}   &#9643; {hollow small square}

Astronomical Symbols
  &#9737; {the Sun} 🜚  &#128794; {the Sun with one ray} 🌞  &#127774; {the face of the Sun}
  &#9789; {Moon: first quarter, increscent, waxing} 🌕  &#127765; {Moon: full}   &#9790; {Moon: last quarter, decrescent, waning} 🌑  &#127761; {Moon: new}
🌛  &#127771; {Moon: first quarter, increscent, waxing} 🌝  &#127773; {Moon: full} 🌜  &#127772; {Moon: last quarter, decrescent, waning} 🌚  &#127770; {Moon: new}
  &#9791; {Planet: Mercury}   &#9792; {Planet: Venus}   &#9793; {Planet: Earth} 🜨  &#128808; {Planet: Earth}
  &#9794; {Planet: Mars}   &#9795; {Planet: Jupiter}   &#9796; {Planet: Saturn}   &#9954; {Planet: Uranus}
  &#9797; {Planet: Uranus}   &#9798; {Planet: Neptune}
  &#9799; {Dwarf Planet: Pluto}   &#9907; {Dwarf Planet: Ceres}   &#9908; {Asteroid: Pallas}   &#9909; {Asteroid: Juno}
  &#9910; {Asteroid: Vesta} 🍷  &#127863; {Asteroid: Hebe}   &#9880; {Asteroid: Flora}   &#9877; {Asteroid: Hygeia}
  &#9738; {ascending node}   &#9739; {descending node}   &#9740; {conjunction}   &#9741; {opposition}
  &#9633; {quadrature}   &#9732; {comet}   &#9733; {star}

  &#9800; {Aries, Ari, ram}   &#9801; {Taurus, Tau, bull}   &#9802; {Gemini, Gem, twins}   &#9803; {Cancer, Cnc, crab}
  &#9804; {Leo, Leo, lion}   &#9805; {Virgo, Vir, virgin}   &#9806; {Libra, Lib, scales}   &#9807; {Scorpius, Sco, scorpion}
  &#9808; {Sagittarius, Sgr, archer}   &#9809; {Capricoruns, Cap, sea-goat}   &#9810; {Aquarius, Aqr, waterbearer}   &#9811; {Pisces, Psc, fish}

Playing Card Suits  →Playing Cards Deck
  &hearts; &#9829; &#x2665; {Black Heart Suit}   &spades; &#9824; &#x2660; {Black Spade Suit}   &diams; &#9830; &#x2666; {Black Diamond Suit}   &clubs; &#9827; &#x2663; {Black Club Suit}
  &#9825; &#x2661; {White Heart Suit}   &#9828; &#x2664; {White Spade Suit}   &#9826; &#x2662; {White Diamond Suit}   &#9831; &#x2667; {White Club Suit}

Unclassified Characters
  &lsaquo; &#139; &#8249; {left single angle quote}   &rsaquo; &#155; &#8250; {right single angle quote} «  &#171; {left double angle quote} »  &#187; {right double angle quote}
ƒ  &fnof; &#402; &#131; ·  &middot; &#183; &#903; &#8729;   &bull; &#149; &#8226; {bullet} ¦  &brvbar; &#166;
ſ  &#383; ۞  &#1758; ۩  &#1769; ٭  &#1645;
  &#2666;   &#2794;   &#3663;   &#3664;
  &#2947;   &#4347; ܀  &#1792;
  &#9650;   &#9660;   &#9658; &#x25BA Black Right-Pointing Pointer   &#9668;
  &#9675;   &#9679;   &#9702;
  &#9688;   &#9689;   &loz; &#9674; {lozenge}   &#8962;
  &#9786;   &#9787;   &#9788;
  &#11; {male symbol small}   &#9794; {male symbol large}   &#12; {female symbol small}   &#9792; {female symbol large}
  &#9834; {single music note}   &#9835; {double music note}
  &#8362;   &#8363;   &#8467;
  &#8453; {care-of}   &#8470; {No.}

Character Modifiers
ˆ  &circ; &#136; &#710; {circumflex} ˜  &#152; &#732; {tilde} ¨  &uml; &#168; {umlat or diaeresis} ´  &acute; &#180; &#900; {acute accent} ¸  &cedil; &#184; {cedilla}
ˇ  &#711; {caron} ˉ  &#713; {line above} ˘  &#728; {cup} ˙  &#729; {dot}
˛  &#731; {tail} ˝  &#733; {double quotes} ΅  &#901; {acute & umlat} ˚  &#730; {ring}

Modified Latin Letters
See range 7680-7929 for many more.
À  &Agrave; &#192; Á  &Aacute; &#193;   &Acirc; &#194; à &Atilde; &#195; Ä  &Auml; &#196; Å  &Aring; &#197;   &#7840;
à  &agrave; &#224; á  &aacute; &#225; â  &acirc; &#226; ã  &atilde; &#227; ä  &auml; &#228; å  &aring; &#229;   &#7841;
  &#7842;   &#7844;   &#7846;   &#7848;   &#7850;   &#7852;   &#7854;
  &#7843;   &#7845;   &#7847;   &#7849;   &#7851;   &#7853;   &#7855;
  &#7856;   &#7858;   &#7860;   &#7862; Ā  &#256; Ă  &#258; Ǎ  &#461;
  &#7857;   &#7859;   &#7861;   &#7863; ā  &#257; ă  &#259; ǎ  &#462;
Ą  &#260; Ǻ  &#506; Æ  &AElig; &#198; Ǽ  &#508; Ά  &#902;
ą  &#261; ǻ  &#507; æ  &aelig; &#230; ǽ  &#509; ß  &szlig; &#223;
Ć  &#262; Ĉ  &#264; Ċ  &#266; Č  &#268; Ç  &Ccedil; &#199;
ć  &#263; ĉ  &#265; ċ  &#267; č  &#269; ç  &ccedil; &#231;
Ď  &#270; Đ  &#272; Р &ETH; &#208;
ď  &#271; đ  &#273; ð  &eth; &#240;
È  &Egrave; &#200; É  &Eacute; &#201; Ê  &Ecirc; &#202; Ë  &Euml; &#203;   &#7864;   &#7866;   &#7868;
è  &egrave; &#232; é  &eacute; &#233; ê  &ecirc; &#234; ë  &euml; &#235;   &#7865;   &#7867;   &#7869;
  &#7870;   &#7872;   &#7874;   &#7876;   &#7878; Έ  &#904;
ế  &#7871;   &#7873;   &#7875;   &#7877;   &#7879;
Ē  &#274; Ĕ  &#276; Ė  &#278; Ę  &#280; Ě  &#282; Ə  &#399; &#1240;
ē  &#275; ĕ  &#277; ė  &#279; ę  &#281; ě  &#283; ə  &#601; &#1241;
Ĝ  &#284; Ğ  &#286; Ġ  &#288; Ģ  &#290; Ή  &#905; Ĥ  &#292; Ħ  &#294;
ĝ  &#285; ğ  &#287; ġ  &#289; ģ  &#291; ĥ  &#293; ħ  &#295;
Ì  &Igrave; &#204; Í  &Iacute; &#205; Π &Icirc; &#206; Ï  &Iuml; &#207;   &#7880;   &#7882; Ί  &#906;
ì  &igrave; &#236; í  &iacute; &#237; î  &icirc; &#238; ï  &iuml; &#239;   &#7881;   &#7883;
Ĩ  &#296; Ī  &#298; Ĭ  &#300; Ǐ  &#463; Į  &#302; İ  &#304;
ĩ  &#297; ī  &#299; ĭ  &#301; ǐ  &#464; į  &#303; ı  &#305;
IJ  &#306; Ĵ  &#308; Ķ  &#310; ĸ  &#312;
ij  &#307; ĵ  &#309; ķ  &#311;
Ĺ  &#313; Ļ  &#315; Ľ  &#317; Ŀ  &#319; Ł  &#321;
ĺ  &#314; ļ  &#316; ľ  &#318; ŀ  &#320; ł  &#322;
Ñ  &Ntilde; &#209; Ń  &#323; Ņ  &#325; Ň  &#327; Ŋ  &#330;
ñ  &ntilde; &#241; ń  &#324; ņ  &#326; ň  &#328; ŋ  &#331; ʼn  &#329;
Ò  &Ograve; &#210; Ó  &Oacute; &#211; Ô  &Ocirc; &#212; Õ  &Otilde; &#213; Ö  &Ouml; &#214;   &#7884;   &#7886;
ò  &ograve; &#242; ó  &oacute; &#243; ô  &ocirc; &#244; õ  &otilde; &#245; ö  &ouml; &#246;   &#7885;   &#7887;
  &#7888;   &#7890;   &#7892;   &#7894;   &#7896;   &#7898;   &#7900;
  &#7889;   &#7891;   &#7893;   &#7895;   &#7897;   &#7899;   &#7901;
  &#7902;   &#7904;   &#7906; Ō  &#332; Ŏ  &#334; Ǒ  &#465; Ő  &#336;
  &#7903;   &#7905;   &#7907; ō  &#333; ŏ  &#335; ǒ  &#466; ő  &#337;
Ơ  &#416; Ό  &#908; Ø  &Oslash; &#216; Ǿ  &#510; Ө  &#1256;
ơ  &#417; ø  &oslash; &#248; ǿ  &#511; ө  &#1257;
Œ  &OElig; &#140; &#338; Þ  &THORN; &#222;
œ  &oelig; &#156; &#339; þ  &thorn; &#254;
Ŕ  &#340; Ŗ  &#342; Ř  &#344;
ŕ  &#341; ŗ  &#343; ř  &#345;
Ś  &#346; Ŝ  &#348; Ş  &#350; Š  &Scaron; &#138; &#352;
ś  &#347; ŝ  &#349; ş  &#351; š  &scaron; &#154; &#353;
Ţ  &#354; Ť  &#356; Ŧ  &#358;
ţ  &#355; ť  &#357; ŧ  &#359;
Ù  &Ugrave; &#217; Ú  &Uacute; &#218; Û  &Ucirc; &#219; Ü  &Uuml; &#220; Ũ  &#360; Ū  &#362; Ů  &#366;
ù  &ugrave; &#249; ú  &uacute; &#250; û  &ucirc; &#251; ü  &uuml; &#252; ũ  &#361; ū  &#363; ů  &#367;
Ű  &#368; Ų  &#370;   &#7908;   &#7910; Ư  &#431;   &#7912;   &#7914;
ű  &#369; ų  &#371;   &#7909;   &#7911; ư  &#432;   &#7913;   &#7915;
  &#7916;   &#7918;   &#7920; Ǖ  &#469; Ǘ  &#471; Ǚ  &#473; Ǜ  &#475;
  &#7917;   &#7919;   &#7921; ǖ  &#470; ǘ  &#472; ǚ  &#474; ǜ  &#476;
Ŭ  &#364; Ǔ  &#467;
ŭ  &#365; ǔ  &#468;
  &#7804;   &#7805;   &#7806; ṿ  &#7807;
Ŵ  &#372;   &#7812;
ŵ  &#373;   &#7813;
Ý  &Yacute; &#221; Ÿ  &Yuml; &#159; &#376; Ŷ  &#374; Ύ  &#910;
ý  &yacute; &#253; ÿ  &yuml; &#255; ŷ  &#375;
Ž  &#142; &#381; Ź  &#377; Ż  &#379;
ž  &#158; &#382; ź  &#378; ż  &#380;

Greek Letters
Α  &Alpha; &#913; Β  &Beta; &#914; Γ  &Gamma; &#915; Δ  &Delta; &#916; Ε  &Epsilon; &#917; Ζ  &Zeta; &#918; Η  &Eta; &#919;
α  &alpha; &#945; β  &beta; &#946; γ  &gamma; &#947; δ  &delta; &#948; ε  &epsilon; &#949; ζ  &zeta; &#950; η  &eta; &#951;
Θ  &Theta; &#920; Ι  &Iota; &#921; Κ  &Kappa; &#922; Λ  &Lambda; &#923; Μ  &Mu; &#924; Ν  &Nu; &#925; Ξ  &Xi; &#926;
θ  &theta; &#952; ι  &iota; &#953; κ  &kappa; &#954; λ  &lambda; &#955; μ  &mu; &#956; ν  &nu; &#957; ξ  &xi; &#958;
Ο  &Omicron; &#927; Π  &Pi; &#928; Ρ  &Rho; &#929; Σ  &Sigma; &#931; Τ  &Tau; &#932; Υ  &Upsilon; &#933; Φ  &Phi; &#934;
ο  &omicron; &#959; π  &pi; &#960; ρ  &rho; &#961; σ  &sigma; &#963; τ  &tau; &#964; υ  &upsilon; &#965; φ  &phi; &#966;
Χ  &Chi; &#935; Ψ  &Psi; &#936; Ω  &Omega; &#937;
χ  &chi; &#967; ψ  &psi; &#968; ω  &omega; &#969;
Modified Greek Letters.
See range 7936-8188 for many more.
Ϊ  &#938; Ϋ  &#939; ά  &#940; έ  &#941; ή  &#942; ί  &#943; ΰ  &#944;
ϊ  &#970; ϋ  &#971; ό  &#972; ύ  &#973; ώ  &#974; Ώ  &#911; ΐ  &#912;

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